Clarity From Us.
Happiness For You.

Health Imaging Services
Non-invasive Diagnostic Imaging in Cullman, AL

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Positron mPower

This scanner is designed to produce high quality PET imaging for cardiac, oncology, and neurology patients via high sensitivity resolution and count rate. PET diagnosis heart disease with 96% - 98% accuracy in individuals with or without symptoms of heart disease, permitting treatment before symptoms begin.

Certified Nuclear Medicine

We have experienced, Certified Nuclear Medicine technologists with advanced training in cardiac testing and Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS) certification.

State of the Art Image
Quality & Reliability

Health Imaging Services, LLC provides state of the art fixes Positron Emission Tomography (PET) non-invasive diagnostic imaging in support of cardiac, oncology, and neurological services. The center began operations in February 2003 and is accredited by the American College of Radiology (ACR) for cardiac, oncology, and neurological disorders. Our commitment to provide "state of the art" image quality and reliability to our patients is exemplified by the fact that we were one of the first centers in the state of Alabama to be accredited in all three system scans and provide Rubidium-based cardiac PET imaging.

Visit Instructions

Before Your Scan

Do not eat or drink anything, besides water, for four hours prior to your scan.
Wear warm, comfortable comfortable clothing and take any prescribed medication unless instructed otherwise.

Arrive On Time

Please Arrive 15 minutes before your scheduled appointment and if you must cancel or reschedule please give us 24 hours notice.

During Your Scan

After fasting for approximately four hours, you will then receive receive an intravenous injection of a radioactive glucose and will rest quietly for 45 to 70 minutes while the glucose is distributed throughout the body. You will then be moved into the PET/CT scanner and the images will begin. Total scanning time is approximately 30 minutes depending on which area is being examined.